The best way to find us is using Waze. Below you will find detailed driving directions. The last 1.6 km of the road are unpaved so we advise you have a vehicle with a high clearence as some parts may be bumpy (4x4 is a good idea, but NOT mandatory) . Finally, if possible, we also recommend driving to the lodge in daylight for the first time.
1. Take Highway 27 to Caldera and exit at the turnoff to Jacó
2. Continue on the Jacó-Parrita-Quepos route (without entering Quepos) and follow another 42 km to Dominical
3. **After Dominical continue approximately 18 km, always heading south, to Uvita.
4. Cross Uvita and continue the route that leads to Ciudad Cortés and Palmar Norte (half way from Uvita you will see the entrance to the Cristal Ballena Hotel). From Uvita to Ojochal it is about 15 km.
5. You will then see a hardware store with red and white paint called La Costa. Decrease the speed here and prepare yourself to make a turn 200 m ahead.
6. The entrance to Ojochal is on the left; it is a secondary road next to the hardware store named El Colono. It is before the bridge that follows the main road.
7.*** When taking the secondary road, continue 150 m straight and cross a temporary bridge. Continue to the left, with the stream always to your left, until the second entrance to the right. That's Papagayo Street. There is a grey box of ICE and a sign of Yabá Chiguí Lodge.
8. Go 1 km further along Papagayo Street, and you will see another sign at the next intersection. Go down the slope, and about 400 m later, you will see the last sign. Go up the slope and continue the last 300 m until you see several green roofs.
9. End of trip
1. Follow route 223 (Palmar Sur Sierpe) towards route 2 (Interamericana Sur), for approximately 650 m.
2. Make a left on route 2 (Interamericana Sur), and follow the road 650 m passing by the bridge Puente Grande De Terraba
3. Then make another left at Palmar Norte onto Route 34 (Costanera Sur or Carretera Pacífica Fernández). You will pass by the gas station (on the right).
4. Drive 28 km along route 34 (Costanera Sur)
5. You will find the entrance to Ojochal is on the right; it is a secondary road next to the hardware store named El Colono. It is after the bridge that follows the main road.
6. Follow instructions as detailed above on 7***.
From CERRO DE LA MUERTE (Savegre Valley, San Gerardo de Dota, Pérez Zeledón)
1. IMPORTANT: make sure you select only main roads on your navigator (no secondary roads). This way, you will go past Pérez Zeledón and down towards Dominical.
2. Once in Dominical follow step 3** onwards.